Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Final Thoughts

In two days we plan on leaving this beautiful town called Lupeni, Romania. In two days we make the five hour journey south towards Bucharest. The semester has come full circle, and now it is time to reflect on what we have learned. It is impossible for me to summarize this semester in a few brief paragraphs. If anyone back home wants to know how our semester was feel free to ask us if you see us in person, we will gladly take time out of our day and explain to you the true Romania. For you will not find the true Romania on this blog, nor in pictures, or in pamphlets you might recieve. Websites do not give Romania justice, either do books you can read. Romania is a majestic place full of hardship and struggle, it is also a place full of laughter and love. I would recommend this semester to anyone who fills lead to come, but, understand this, this place will hurt you, but it will also heal you! It will teach you how to love the seemingly unlovable, it will teach you how interact with a culture far different than your own. It will cause you to rethink everything you thought you knew about life, and then some. If you are considering coming, think about your motivations first, are they true, are they genuine, than leave it before the Lord to guide and direct you. It takes a different type of person to serve in Romania, this semester is not for everyone, but for those who will come, get ready, and hang on to your hats, because your in for one heck of a ride!

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