Monday, December 3, 2007

IMPACT and Church!

I LOVE the youth and leaders I have gotten to know this semester. The first night of my home stay my host sister, Persida, took me to the Pentecostal church with her. She is one of the IMPACT leaders there and is also very involved with all the other programs that go on. This first night, I was able to go with her to what I would describe as "praise band" practice. It was my first night at the church and my first day with my host family; I was a little nervous and overwhelmed at the swift change of atmosphere. I hadn't spent more than an hour at the house (def. did not have the names of my 8 new host brothers and sister down) before we were going to the church and I was meeting even more people. However, God knew exactly what I needed that night and as I sat listening to them singing familiar praise songs (though in a different language ) I was greatly comforted and felt truly at peace with whatever this semester would bring.
The comfort I recieved from being with the youth that first night has stayed with me these past few months. I went to the church the night we arrived back from our 7 day backpacking trip in the Retezat (where some of us had gotten very ill), I went there after we arrived back from many of our trips; Cluj, Horezu, Hunedoara, I went there the night I got back from fall break even though I was no longer living with my family, and I went there every day when I felt the apathy I encounterd in this city was weighing me down. Every time I have walked into the church I have been greeted by the smiling faces that run to greet me and bring me hope. Seeing them working together and being involved with IMPACT and their community has been nothing short of inspiring. I have enjoyed getting to know each of them individually - watching what they each bring to the group and how they all function together.

Tonight is my last opportunity to go to "praise band" practice. I really do not think that I have been able to completely grasp that fact yet. I will still see them tomorrow and Wednesday before we say our final goodbye's. I am really going to miss walking into the church every week and being greeted by the wonderful, inspiring friends I have made there. I will miss them all very much.

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