Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Inebriated Turkeys and Such

So this was probably the funniest and most memorable Thanksgiving I have ever had. The week before the traditional American holiday, Thanksgiving, all of the students and volunteers here decided that we wanted to figure out a way to have turkey for Thanksgiving. Well, here in the valley, Penny Market (recently opened, with even a parking lot!) was probably our only hope for a possible frozen turkey and they had none. So we decided, hey this is Romania, people raise their own turkeys, we just had to find one. Well Aron, the guy that has been making the amazing bunk beds we now sleep on, set out on the mission of finding us a turkey. By foot, he walked through the Valley to find us a turkey, and to our surprise found us ole’ Susan (that’s the name Briana, the Bates’ daughter, gave the turkey)- that’s right folks, a REAL turkey.

As a group we decided to split up the duties as far as plucking and cooking and initially Ryan was going to be our turkey slayer, but Aron did the honors. However, it is a known fact by Romanians that it is only proper to inebriate the turkey prior to the killing. It tenderizes the meat…I mean relaxes the muscles. Aron fed that turkey a whole bottle of rum, the turkey could hardly stand and gobbled…I mean guzzled that rum with no problem. I’ll spare the readers from what happened next, but in no time we were plucking old Susan’s feathers, preparing her for the plate.

Thursday we ate to our little hearts content. I couldn’t believe how good the food, especially the tender turkey, and the best part was that we almost had more dessert than food (9 to be exact!). We invited some of the FNO staff to join us for dessert. It was wonderful.

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