Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Swords, Spears, Slaying and Such: The Art of Medieval Warfare

The castle. Awesome! I had never been to a castle before and I’ve always loved the medieval time period in history, so it was a dream come true for me. I honestly don’t know that much about medieval things outside of movies like Lord of the Rings and Braveheart because it seems to get skipped over a lot in schools so the castle was educational too. One room in particular struck me, it was the room that was once the main entrance to the castle but was made into a defense tower. The upper floors had all fallen down but you could see where two doors once were on the second level, and in the doorways, were two big cages with spikes sticking out of them. I wonder if they were used as scare tactics with dead bodies kept inside of them for on-looking foes (like of Robin Hood Prince of Thieves). Another interesting room was the room with the body armor and weaponry. I can’t imagine going into battle holding a shield and a sword, my entire body covered in armor, and somehow having to move and flex and slay the enemy. I would be scared to death! Throughout the whole castle, I was just imagining royal people, dressed in scarlet and purple robes (I don’t know if that’s really accurate) climbing the steps in the towers, eating at huge tables, dressing for battle, and peasants in the courtyard buying and selling items. In my imagination, the castle came alive and I was kind of a part of it all. I loved the experience!

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